List of updates on latest reboot 27/06/2017

List of latest changes & additions 27/06/2017:

1. Small fix on BirdsOfFlames to make sure its still a Tao map not a Wizard one.
2. RedZone has been altered, there is more monsters now, however medicine drop is lower.
3. MasterOfDarkness sub bosses drop fixed.
ps. Please test the LOD again as I wanna finish it, and without a real players grp test I can't.
4. More bosses now have the "shout" message upon killing.
5. Drop files for ViciousAndEvil have been added, however may be still changed, I decided
it will be more of a quest boss, but it has now some items as well.
ps. ViciousAndEvil dmg and attack will possibly change on next reboot if he is too strong.
6. There are now three more types of EventTrees(Gold, EXP and Monkey trees).
7. More teleports added to Integral teleporter once again.
(If there are some still missing, and you guys have some ideas, please let me know)
8. In some power caves monsters have now higher radius, so luring them should be easier.
9. Skills upgrade to level 7 is now possible! It can be done via the same NPC as for skills level 6.
List of upgrades, as well as list of skills is available there as well.
10. Do not forget about the rules I mentioned in the last news article.

More stuff soon...

Enjoy & Happy Hunting!


Lista kolejnych zmian i dodatkow 27/06/2017:

1. Mala poprawka u BirdsOfFlames, aby upewnic sie ze jest to ciagle mapa Tao nie Wiz.
2. RedZone zostal lekko zmieniony, respi tam wiecej mobow, ale dropia mniej medi.
3. Drop Subow MasterOfDarkness 1&2 zostal naprawiony.
ps. Prosze znowu przetestowac LODa, bo chcialbym go skonczyc, a bez testu nie idzie.
4. Wiecej bossow ma teraz wiadomosc na globalu o ich zabiciu.
5. Drop ViciousAndEvil zostal dodany, jednakze ciagle moze ulec zmianie.
Zdecydowalem iz bedzie to boss raczej do questow, ale ma itemy w dropie takze.
ps. Jesli jest za silny prosze zglaszac zmienie mu atak.
6. Dodane zostaly trzy nowe typy drzewek eventowych(Gold, EXP i Monkey).
7. Wiecej teleportow zostalo dodanych do integralnego teleportera po raz kolejny.
(Jesli jakiegos tam jeszcze brak i macie pomysla prosze pisac)
8. W niektorych power caves moby maja teraz wieksza widocznosc, wiec lurowanie ich
powinno stac sie teraz o wiele latwiejsze.
9. Ulepszanie skilli na level 7 jest juz mozliwe. Mozna je ulepszac u tego samego NPC
co byl i jest pod skille level 6... Cale info takie jak lista skilli i zapotrzebowanie jest dodane.
10. Prosze nie zapomniec o zmianach i przypomnieniu o regulaminie z poprzedniego tematu.

Wiecej rzeczy wkrotce...


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