Some info 18/05/2020 :)

Hello Dark Siders!

Do NOT forget about auction next weekend, info here:

Please always remember to help new players,
and check what rewards are available for it here:

If you have some questions or problems please do not hesitate
to pm me either here or on our facebook page!

Some changes/additions from&before 18/05/2020:
1. Emergency to Abysal has been added, and some other fixes.
(Some teleport prices will also change soon).
2. Basic Tao pets are now stronger(Jin,Shinso etc).
3. ZumaMaster, ZumaDestroyer, and JinchonMaster are now stronger.
4. EXP on Birds (TaoMap) has been slightly increased.
5. Mudwall Castle map is now swapped with bigger & better.
6. I am delayed on some additions, but they will come...

Thank you all for playing, and enjoy the game!


Witam Dark Sajderzy!

NIE zapomnijcie o aukcji za tydzien, info tutaj:

Prosze zawsze pamietac o pomaganiu nowym gracza,
sa za to i za inne bonusy nagrody, lista tutaj:

Jesli ktos ma jakis problem badz zapytanie, prosze napisac mi PM tutaj
na forum badz do naszego facebook page!

Pare zmian/dodatkow z/przed 18/05/2020:
1. Emergency teleporty do Abysal zostaly dodane, oraz pare poprawek.
(Ceny niektorych emergency sie niedlugo zmienia)
2. Bazowe pety tao zostaly ulepszone.
3. ZumaMaster, Zumadestroyer i JinchonMaster sa teraz silniejsze.
4. EXP na Birdsach (MapkaTao) zostalo troche powiekszone.
5. Mudwall Castle zostala zamieniona na inna wieksza mapke.
6. Jestem opozniony z paroma questami, ale beda dodane niedlugo...

Dziekuje wszystkim za granie i zycze dobrej zabawy!

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